DUnit beta released

Christopher Wright dhasenan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 18:21:29 PDT 2008

Hello all,

I'm pleased to announce the release of DUnit 0.1, a unittest framework 
in the xUnit pattern for D.

Why use DUnit rather than unittest{} blocks?

Have you found yourself writing "Stdout(`test for foo\n`);" at the start 
of every unit test? Or maybe you have a template for it already.

When one test fails, do you immediately comment it out to see whether 
any other tests fail to find what the problem is?

Do you find yourself copying and pasting setup code between tests regularly?

Have you spent time searching for a failed test because your tests are 
interleaved with your code?

If so, DUnit can offer you:
  * organization
  * named tests and fixtures
  * the guiding principle that the testing must go on! (Segfaults 

DUnit should be usable at present, though I have no idea how usable. Be 
brave, try it. It *probably* won't summon Cthulhu, or even seriously 
maim anyone you know!


Don't be like the twenty-third elephant on the moon -- get yours today!

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