Hybrid GUI beta release - an IM+RM GUI toolkit for games, multimedia, etc

Clay Smith clayasaurus at gmail.com
Thu May 22 06:55:22 PDT 2008

Clay Smith wrote:
> Tom S wrote:
>> Here's a beta release of Hybrid - a pretty fresh approach to GUI 
>> toolkits which combines Immediate Mode GUIs with Retained Mode GUIs.
>> // Tango-only at the moment.
>> Quoting the wiki, "Hybrid is a Graphical User Interface toolkit for 
>> the D programming language. It is primarily aimed at games (for menus, 
>> in-game options, debug consoles, HUDs), their tools and other sorts of 
>> multimedia applications, where the GUI can change dynamically."
>> More info at http://hybrid.team0xf.com/
>> As for info not mentioned on the wiki, I'm planning to use Hybrid in 
>> Deadlock and its level, animation, shader, etc. editors. In fact, the 
>> prototype for Hybrid was used in Deadlock before and has worked very 
>> well. This release is a complete redesign and rewrite.
>> Hybrid is licensed under the MIT license.
>> PS. Make sure to see the immediate-mode API to Menu creation. Lazy 
>> evaluation and typesafe variadics do wonders there :)
> Awesome! Look very professional.
> ~ Clay

Scintilla support would be great as well, because besides being my 
favorite editor, it would be the one component I would need to edit AI 
scripts in WarBots in-game, if I ever get around to that project. Were 
you thinking of using in-game Scintilla support for the Fragbots?

~ Clay

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