D in the ix magazine about "programming today"

Extrawurst spam at extrawurst.org
Mon Dec 7 14:35:27 PST 2009

It is always interesting what the technical press writes about our 
beloved D.

Today i read about D in the ix, a german IT magazine on the subject 
"programming today" (see here: 

Here are some quotes (freely translated by myself):

"And D [..] is not going to become big enough [..] cause there is no big 
company backing it up"
- well this is quite a controversal statement

"D, the clean alternative to C++"
- i can not agree more

"According to the language designers D is inappropriate as a first 
language for beginners"
- i strongly disagree to that

"In the near future D won't steal C++ the show but the potential is 
certainly present"
- feature-wise i think D2.0 already steals C++ the show

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