SciD: the humble beginning

Eldar Insafutdinov e.insafutdinov at
Sun Dec 13 13:27:18 PST 2009

dsimcha Wrote:

> Plotting.  I've considered doing this a few times, but I've decided it needs to be
> put off until D2 is stable and the GUI toolkits for it are reasonably stable.  One
> layer of instability (D2 itself) is workable, but two layers (D2 and the GUI libs)
> is not.

It would be unfair not to mention GtkD which nobody has done in your D2 GUI libs thread. I think that so far it is the most mature and stable cross-platform D2 GUI toolkit. It's been a year since it reached version 1.0, so you should probably consider it. And GTK looks just fine on windows.

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