Mustache template engine

dennis luehring dl.soluz at
Fri Feb 25 00:29:53 PST 2011

Am 24.02.2011 18:57, schrieb Masahiro Nakagawa:
> 3 weeks ago, I discussed template engine with Goro Fuji(a.k.a Xslate
> author).
> In the process, I noticed D does not have template engine library.
> So I wrote the D version of Mustache.

would be great to have this available at compiletime - something like an 
write(ln) with typeckecks and block functionality :)

with a nice inner mixin that generates an frontend for the template-vars
a little bit like the bitfield! template

example-style refering to your basic.d example

--- basic.mustache ---
Hello {{name:%s}}
You have just won ${{value:%i}}!
Well, ${{taxed_value:%f}}, after taxes.

alias MustacheEngine!(string,import("basic.mustache")) My_Special_Template;

void main()
     My_Special_Template my_special_template; = "Chris";
     my_special_template.value = 10000;

     auto in_ca_section = my_special_template.in_ca.create();
     in_ca_section.taxted_value = 10000 - (10000 * 0.4);


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