Mustache template engine

dennis luehring dl.soluz at
Fri Feb 25 00:51:43 PST 2011

Am 25.02.2011 09:29, schrieb dennis luehring:
> would be great to have this available at compiletime

better said - an at compiletime generated render-code - would be 
blasting fast because of just combining the template-chunks inside of an 
huge write - or every type of section

so something like this:

--- basic.mustache ---
Hello {{name:%s}}
You have just won ${{value:%i}}!
Well, ${{taxed_value:%f}}, after taxes.

would be mixined/compiled to something like:

class TemplateEngine
   mixin( generate template-members/sections/renderer) )
   struct main: section
   --> string name
   --> int value
   --> string mixined_renderer()
     auto writer = appender!string();
     formattedWrite(writer, "Hello %s\nYou have just won 

   //struct section_in_ca: sections
   --> in_ca [] blocks;
   string mixined_renderer()
     string tmp;
     foreach( block blocks )
        tmp ~= block.mixined_renderer();
     return tmp;

   struct in_ca
   --> float taxted_value
   --> mixined_renderer
   void mixined_renderer( _writer )
     auto writer = appender!string();
     formattedWrite(writer, "Well, $%f, after taxes.\n",taxed_value);

   //.in_ca.create add new in_ca section to the section_in_ca.blocks

   // and section can have inner sections etc....

   string render()
     return main.mixined_renderer();

and if its runned to the end you can even check if inputs are const and 
remove completely the depending code... the idea is to generated to 
"write"-code as compact as possible

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