D:YAML 0.3 released

torhu no at spam.invalid
Thu Nov 17 08:34:05 PST 2011

On 17.11.2011 17:21, Kiith-Sa wrote:
> Performance is actually not an issue here, insignificant part of total
> parsing time is spent in Constructor (only about 2%) and any slowdown
> there should not be noticeable.
> The idea you're proposing here would indeed simplify the API, but
> I'm not sure if the result would always be what the user wants.
> Any exception (potentially user-defined) would be handled and its
> message added to a YAMLException, as we would need to catch(Exception)
> in the calling code. I can't think of an example where this could be
> a problem, since the exceptions we don't expect to be handled
> are usually derived from Throwable, but what if the user expects an
> exception to be thrown at MyStruct construction and not handled by
> D:YAML at all?

Do you have an example of what that could be?  OutOfMemoryError and 
things like that would probably go straight through, since they are 
Errors and not Exceptions.

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