Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 20:43:12 PST 2012

On Saturday, 4 February 2012 at 04:37:57 UTC, James Miller wrote:
> I parse the GET params, POST params, and FCGI Params and store 
> them in _getParams, _postParams and _environment

Yeah, that works for the vast majority of cases, but suppose
you go to:


That's allowed and sometimes useful. In PHP, you'd
name a form field "something[]" and access it as an array
of multiple values.

The PHP name thing is just something they do; you can
actually send multiple values for any name, and sometimes
you'll want to be able to access that too.

In my thing, I used a string[string] for get, but also
offered a string[][string] called getArray for the times
when you want to get to multiple values.

(ditto for POST)

> What a coincidence, me too!

D rox.

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