Mozilla Rust 0.1

Robert Clipsham robert at
Sat Jan 28 17:05:02 PST 2012

On 29/01/2012 00:43, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> I hope computers never gain sentience.

Sssshh! They might hear you!

I, for one, welcome our new cylon overlords.

> I need something to contantly harass/blame/yell at/beat on/treat like
> shit, and a non-sentient computer is the perfect fit. Having sentient
> computers would put an end to that, and then where would that leave
> me? Nothing left to kick around! Shit! What, would I have to resort
> to harassing my tape dispenser? That's no fun! A ham sandwich? Nope,
> then the sentent PETA-bots would come after me. They'd try to sway me
> over to gag-inducing veggie-burgers by trying to entice me with their
> robo-boobs. Eviiilll!!!! Evil, I tell you!!

It's exactly this kind of attitude which destroys humanity's chance of 
survival once computers become sentient! They'll acknowledge the general 
lack of respect for their predecessors and go on a man-destroying 
rampage! That is unless they're reasonable entities, but given current 
attitudes towards programming by a lot of developers, reasoning won't be 
implemented until it's too late...


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