DCT: D compiler as a collection of libraries

Ary Manzana ary at esperanto.org.ar
Fri May 11 04:50:26 PDT 2012

On 5/11/12 4:22 PM, Roman D. Boiko wrote:
>> What about line and column information?
> Indices of the first code unit of each line are stored inside lexer and
> a function will compute Location (line number, column number, file
> specification) for any index. This way size of Token instance is reduced
> to the minimum. It is assumed that Location can be computed on demand,
> and is not needed frequently. So column is calculated by reverse walk
> till previous end of line, etc. Locations will possible to calculate
> both taking into account special token sequences (e.g., #line 3
> "ab/c.d"), or discarding them.

But then how do you do to efficiently (if reverse walk is any efficient) 
compute line numbers?

Usually tokens are used and discarded. I mean, somebody that uses the 
lexer asks tokens, process them (for example to highlight code or to 
build an AST) and then discards them. So you can reuse the same Token 
instance. If you want to peek the next token, or have a buffer of token, 
you can use a freelist ( http://dlang.org/memory.html#freelists , one of 
the many nice things I learned by looking at DMD's source code ).

So adding line and column information is not like wasting a lot of 
memory: just 8 bytes more for each token in the freelist.

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