Released vibe.d 0.7.8 and improved online API documentation

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at
Tue Oct 2 09:31:53 PDT 2012

The new version adds support for UDP sockets and a lot of smaller
improvements and fixes, for example in the Diet parser and the REST
interface generator (see
for details). Thanks for all contributions!

I've also done some improvements to the API documentation*, which is
generated from DMDs JSON output (with some additional processing). The
documentation has full cross-linking for types. I'm planning to break
this out into a separate project with support for offline documentation

It should be noted that the documentation processor contains a crude D
type parser, because the types in DMD's JSON always come out
stringified. This is necessary to get the type links and some other
things working - getting an additional detailed type AST in the original
JSON would be very helpful here (and much more robust).



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