vibe.d 0.7.12 released

Johannes Pfau nospam at
Tue Feb 12 00:36:49 PST 2013

Am Mon, 11 Feb 2013 20:08:44 +0100
schrieb FG <home at>:

> Great project -- a flagship example of D's real world application!
> On 2013-02-11 19:11, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> > same code as Python, translated to D. Of course, the solution that
> > use vibe.d does not have Python's infamous GIL; instead, it comes
> > with parallelism and concurrency out of the box. And you are aware
> > of typos in your code even before running your program. ;)
> Running worker processes can make the GIL problem a little less of a
> PITA, but having the typos pointed out before running the app... is
> just priceless. :)
> I'm struggling with the temptation to move a Python website to vibe.d.
> What keeps me from doing that are Django templates. Not even because
> vibe's templates have to be recompiled each time some small markup
> change is introduced -- I got used to that with LaTeX ;) -- but
> because of Jade. It's way too far off course from HTML for my tastes.
> I see no reason for inventing a completely new format when all you
> need is templating.
> So let me use this opportunity to ask you: is somebody working on
> other template systems for vibe.d already or shall I get involved
> myself? I'm thinking about something similar to this, syntax-wise:

mustache has a D implementation since some time:

There's no special vibe.d integration, but it shouldn't be hard to get
it working. I've used mustache-d before it's pretty easy to use but
it's a simple template system, it might not have all features you'd

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