Re: A look at the D programming language by Ferdynand Górski

David d at
Tue Jan 15 04:23:22 PST 2013

> That's not my experience. Nested for loops with if-statements can be
> hard on the eye in Python, because you have to go back an double check
> on which level you actually are and the fact that one missing white
> space (a typo after deleting a line) screws up the whole script is just
> annoying. The Python indentation terror is a peculiar personal
> preference enshrined in the language's syntax. It's simply not my style.

If you use notepad to write your Python Code yes. If you see yourself
too many indentation levels, that's a good indicator you're writing bad
code (bad is the wrong term, but can't think of the correct english word).

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