dlibgit updated to libgit2 v0.19.0

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 14:58:24 PDT 2013

On 6/26/13, Sönke Ludwig <sludwig at outerproduct.org> wrote:
> Great to hear. I've been using dlibgit since some time and actually I've
> already registered a fork with (partially) updated bindings for the
> master version of libgit2: http://registry.vibed.org/packages/dlibgit

Ah, didn't know that. For now you may want to hold on to that package
until I port the v0.17 samples to v0.19, to verify the new bindings
work properly.

Btw, the reason why I've moved everything under the "git.c" package is
because at some point I want to implement either a class or
struct-based D API around the C API, so it's easier to use from client

The new D API will use modules such as "git.branch" while the C-based
API "git.c.branch".

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