DSnips - making D coding awesome in Vim (with GIFs!)

Kiith-Sa via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Thu Jul 17 13:57:10 PDT 2014

DSnips is a set of UltiSnips snippets for D (now with GIFs 
showing each snippet in action (image-heavy))


This is an attempt to overhaul the D snippets I got merged to 
UltiSnips (now a separate "vim-snippets" repository), as the 
previous snippets had quite a few bugs. The snippets should now 
be easy to use together/chain (e.g. an "imp" (import) snippet 
places the cursor on the beginning of the next line so "imp" can 
be used for another import, "wrap in try/catch" places the cursor 
to be ready to add more catch blocks, "module" license can be 
replaced by using another snippet inside it, etc.

There are some rather "intelligent" snippets, e.g. an operator 
builder for opBinary/opUnary/opOpAssign that will generate the 
skeleton for all operators typed in by the user, automatic DDoc 
Params: generation from function parameters, etc.

I want to eventually try to merge this back to the default 
repository, but I'd like some comments/criticism/ideas first. 
Should any snippets be removed? Added? Any problems with the 
current snippets? (the wrap in try/catch in the previous version 
had issues with wrapping indented text, for example)

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