I have a plan.. I really DO

Ecstatic Coder ecstatic.coder at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 17:08:12 UTC 2018

> If you're a web developer with no dependencies then youre 
> either reinventing the wheel (could cause trouble in the long 
> run, if your implementations aren't correct.) Or your 
> application just isn't more than a hobby project.
> Most enterprise projects will have dependencies outside 
> standard libraries and that is true for ex. Go too.

I agree with you, but what I mean is that all those nice Go and 
Crystal web frameworks are actually implemented using exactly the 
same building blocks, so that their authors didn't have to 
reinvent the wheel to reimplement them.

That's why there are so many available frameworks, and you can 
easily pick one which closely matches your needs and 

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