Bison 3.8.1 released with D backend

Paul Backus snarwin at
Wed Sep 15 17:55:19 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 15 September 2021 at 14:48:06 UTC, Tejas wrote:
> Assuming I'm correct:
> What does it matter whether the parser is a `.c .cpp .d .pl` or 
> whatever file?
> I'm really sorry I'm coming off as abrasive/ungrateful. I have 
> no intention to belittle the author or the work she has done.
> But I'm really curious: What changes if `Bison` outputs it's 
> parser in some language other than the one it originally 
> targeted(perhaps that was C?)

Generally speaking, a parser is not a program that you'd run in 
isolation. When you generate a parser with Bison, it's usually 
because you want to incorporate that parser into some larger 
program, like a compiler or a language server.

In general, having Bison output its parser in $LANGUAGE makes it 
easier to incorporate that parser into larger programs written in 
$LANGUAGE. So giving Bison the ability to output D makes it 
easier to incorporate Bison-generated parsers into D programs.

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