The D Programming Language Vision Document

Mike Parker aldacron at
Sun Jul 3 08:46:31 UTC 2022

You can find the final draft of the high-level goals for the D 
programming language at the following link:

I'll fill out the remaining sections as time allows over the 
coming weeks. Once it's complete, I'll make sure it's linked in 
the Community section of the menu bar.

I want to emphasize that what we have there right now are a list 
of high-level goals. Please read my summary of our June meeting 
for more info on the motivation behind it.

Some of these goals we want to actively pursue, others are things 
we'll take advantage of when the opportunity arises. For example, 
completing the memory safety story is an active project, but 
looking for features to remove, or to put on the "no recommended 
list" is something we'll evaluate when it comes up.

Improving the ecosystem is a major goal. Right now, we don't have 
the resources in place to make that happen, but we expect to be 
there next year once we have an ecosystem management team in 

In the meantime, if you have an idea for a new tool or project 
that fits into our goals, and you don't want to start working on 
it until you know it's going have the foundation's approval or 
support, then please let me know. Hash out ideas of the project 
in the forums or on Discord if you need to, but we'll want you to 
bring a proposal to one of our monthly meetings for discussion. 
Then you'll know if it's worth your time. Just be aware that we 
do not have the resources to oversee things right now to the 
extent we would like, so anyone looking to make this kind of 
contribution should be self-motivated and independent. We'll 
support you as much as we can, and we may even be willing to pay 
out a contract in some cases, but for now you're largely going to 
be on your own.

I also want to reiterate that this is a living document. We will 
modify the goals as needed as time goes by.

Feedback is welcome.

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