D Language Foundation October 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

ryuukk_ ryuukk.dev at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 17:33:26 UTC 2023

> This needs to be taken out of DRuntime because DRuntime is 
> distributed pre-compiled, and that ties it to a specific 
> compiler API, which isn't good. Instead, we should distribute 
> it as a package. It's something he'd brought up before.

Why not directly distribute DRuntime as a source? or rather, 
simplify how it can be used as a source

``dmd -i`` does the magic already, it'll be able to pick what 
ever module on the fly

That's how i use my custom runtime, as source, makes things much 
smoother to use, however, in the case of druntime, it might 
highlight some compilation speed issues

What was the rational behind distributing the runtime as a 
compiled library?

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