D Language Foundation October 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 16:28:08 UTC 2023

The D Language Foundation's quarterly meeting for October 2023 
took place on Friday the 6th at 15:00 UTC. This was quite a short 
one as far as quarterlies go, clocking in at around 35 minutes.

## The Attendees

The following people attended the meeting:

* Mathis Beer (Funkwerk)
* Walter Bright (DLF)
* Dennis Korpel (DLF)
* Mario Kröplin (Funkwerk)
* Mathias Lang (DLF/Symmetry)
* Átila Neves (DLF/Symmetry)
* Mike Parker (DLF)
* Igor Pikovets (Ahrefs)
* Carsten Rasmussen (Decard)
* Robert Schadek (DLF/Symmetry)
* Bastiaan Veelo (SARC)

## The Summary

### Bastiaan
Bastiaan reported that SARC had been testing their D codebase 
(transpiled from Pascal---[see Bastiaan's DConf 2019 
talk](https://youtu.be/HvunD0ZJqiA)). They'd found the 
multithreaded performance worse than the Pascal version. He said 
that execution time increased with more threads and that it 
didn't matter how many threads you throw at it. It's the latter 
problem he was focused on at the moment.

At first, they'd suspected the GC, but it turned out to be 
contention resulting from heap allocation. In Pascal, they'd 
heavily used variable-length arrays. For those, the length is 
determined at run time, but it's fixed. Since they can't grow, 
they're put on the stack. This makes them quite fast and avoids 
the global lock of the heap.

One way to do that in D is to use `alloca`, but that's an issue 
because the memory it allocates has to be used in the same 
function that calls the `alloca`. So you can't, e.g., use 
`alloca` to alloc memory in a constructor, and that prevents 
using it in a custom array implementation. He couldn't think of a 
way to translate it. He was able to work around it by using 
allocators in the array implementation with a thread-local free 
list. He found that promising. His current problem was that it 
took a lot of time to understand the experimental allocators 
package. Once he got this sorted, he would have to see if it 
helped solve the problem they were seeing with more threads 
resulting in worse performance.

There was also a problem with DMD underperforming Pascal. DMD's 
output was about five times slower than Pascal's. His tests with 
LDC showed it was two times faster than Pascal. Unfortunately, 
they are currently limited to 32-bit Windows, and it will be a 
few years before they can migrate to 64-bit. LDC unfortunately 
had an issue that [caused stack corruption on 32-bit 
They'd hit it in one case and were able to work around it, but he 
couldn't be sure they wouldn't hit it somewhere else. He wasn't 
willing to risk unreliable computations.

He said that LDC could do the right thing, but his understanding 
from talking to Martin was that implementing it would have a 
large time cost. Since Win32 is going to eventually go away, he 
wasn't very keen on paying that cost. They'd spoken at DConf 
about the possibility of LDC raising compilation errors when 
stack corruption could occur so that they could then work around 
those cases, but he hadn't followed up with Martin about it.

They'd spent seven years getting the transcompilation complete, 
so this was a critical issue they needed to resolve. He was 
hopeful that the experimental allocator package would help solve 

Robert asked if he'd looked into doing something like the small 
string optimization, where you set a default size that you use 
for static arrays and then only resort to heap allocation when 
you need something larger. Had they analyzed their code to 
determine the array sizes they were using? Bastiaan said yes, a 
consequence of this issue was that they were linking with a 
rather large stack size.

Walter suggested he just use `alloca`. Just have the 
transcompiler emit calls to `alloca` in the first lines of the 
function body for any VLAs and they should be okay. Bastiaan said 
they'd thought of allocating large chunks of memory up front and 
just picking off chunks of that for a custom allocator. That 
works very close to a free list, then he discovered the std 
allocator package has a free list. His experiments with that 
worked, but it had been challenging to implement it more 
generally. He said he would have to take another look at `alloca`.

Walter said `alloca` wasn't used very much in D, but it's there. 
If he were to implement C VLAs, that's what he'd use to do it. 
Robert stressed they should analyze their code to see what a 
magic maximum number of elements is and just use that for static 
arrays, allocating on the heap when they need more. Static arrays 
and `alloca` were comparable to some degree. Maybe they could get 
away with that. It should result in cleaner code.

Robert also suggested that since this project has been going on 
for so long and was a good showcase for D in general, Bastiaan 
should come back and ask for help even on more than a quarterly 
basis. We then had a bit of discussion about what it would take 
to fix the LDC issue. Bastiaan said that having the compiler 
throw errors as he and Martin had discussed would be fine as long 
as it were a manageable number of errors.

### Igor

Igor said Ahrefs had updated to the latest LDC and were trying it 
out, but had nothing to share with us this time.

I noted that at DConf, the Ahrefs team had given the DLF access 
to their platform. We hadn't started using it, but we plan to do 
so once when we overhaul the website. I thanked him for that.

### Mathis Beer
Mathis said there was nothing much going on. They had decided to 
hold off on updating to the latest DMD because LDC had been 
lagging behind a bit, but that was somewhat normal. Everything 
was working fine.

However, he'd been playing around with 2.104 on his own and had 
encountered some weird crashes, but hadn't yet reduced anything 
for a bug report. He asked if anyone else had seen the same and 
the response was negative. He said he'd put some time into 
Dustmite and file an issue.

He brought up the COVID outbreak at DConf. Everyone who attended 
from Funkwerk had gotten it. We discussed what could be done to 
reduce that risk next year. I reported that this had come up in 
post-DConf meetings I'd had with Symmetry and our event planners. 
There's no way we're going to be able to force people to take 
tests or wear masks. But we definitely need a policy in place. In 
2022, we asked people to stay in their hotel rooms and watch via 
the live stream if they had symptoms during the conference. We 
didn't do that this year, but it's one step we've already decided 
to take next year. We'll work out other ideas before then. Robert 
suggested we include masks and COVID tests in the swag bag.

### Mathias Lang
Mathias said he'd been mentoring a SAOC student working on C++ 
interop: namely, making C++ STL containers more accessible. 
They'd started by copying the existing code from `core.std.cpp` 
into its own repository. This needs to be taken out of DRuntime 
because DRuntime is distributed pre-compiled, and that ties it to 
a specific compiler API, which isn't good. Instead, we should 
distribute it as a package. It's something he'd brought up before.

Now, they were looking into adding tests and fixing the bugs 
they'd found. They'd also extracted a CI from DRuntime. The 
project was ongoing and making progress.

(NOTE: You can [search the General 
Forum](https://forum.dlang.org/search?q=%5BSAOC+2023%5D+C%2B%2B+STL+INTEROP&scope=group%3AdigitalmarsD) for "SAOC 2023 C++ STL INTEROP" to see Emmanuel Nyarko's weekly updates during the SAOC event, which continues until January 15.)

### Robert
Robert had nothing for us this time.

### Carsten
Carsten reported that Decard were trying to get their release out 
in three months. They were happy with the system they were 
working on.

### Dennis
I told everyone that normally, I wouldn't go to any of the 
DLF-only people in a quarterly these days since we've split out 
our monthlies. However, since we had so few attendees this time 
and things were running quickly, I said I'd give Dennis and 
Walter each a turn.

Dennis said he had nothing for us this time, but he had some 
things to bring up at the monthly the following week.

### Walter
Walter said he'd been taking steps aimed at facilitating work on 
DMD-as-a-library. He'd been trying to disentangle different parts 
of the compiler from each other, in particular making the ASTs 
more tractable for users without becoming completely "englommed" 
by the compiler. He was awaiting feedback on whether Razvan was 
happy with his approach. Either way, the end goal was to get rid 
of the two parallel "same-only-different" ASTs we currently have. 
He'd made some progress on it.

He had also been working on some ImportC fixes.

He apologized to me for not looking into three DIPs I'd asked him 
to look at. He'd emailed me about one of them before the meeting. 
He asked if I could hang around after to discuss the other two.

I let everyone know that Walter was talking about three 
grammar-related DIPs that Graham D'Amour had submitted last year. 
I'd been wondering if we needed DIPs for those or not. I'd asked 
Walter to look at them a while ago to decide, but I'd never 
followed up. Graham had pinged me about them a week before the 

(_UPDATE__:I did hang around after the meeting and we did discuss 
the DIPs. The outcome is posted in [the comment thread of PR 
#234](https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/234). You can see the 
other DIPs [in PR #233](https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/233) 
and [in PR #235](https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/234). The 
TL;DR is that these correct issues in the grammar and we 
absolutely should implement them, but because of potential 
breakage they should be done in an edition.)

### Me
I told everyone I'd had a preliminary discussion about DConf '24 
with Symmetry's CTO. I'd answered his questions about how things 
had gone over the past three editions Symmetry had sponsored and 
about what we needed. I was expecting that we could start 
planning in earnest before the end of this year. I was looking at 
the possibility of doing it either in May or in September so that 
we could get out of peak travel season. That depends entirely on 
the availability of the venue and what they charge us. They've 
given us a significant discount for the past two editions because 
peak travel season is also off-peak conference season. We 
wouldn't be able to get the same deal for May or September.

I then mentioned DConf Online. I'd scheduled it in December last 
year just so we could do it in 2022. I should have delayed it 
until February or March. Holding it four months after DConf was a 
real PITA. So I decided I'd push the next edition into 2024. 
Whether it happens early or late in the year depends on the final 
DConf dates.

(__UPDATE__: DConf '24 planning has since begun. The event 
planner is on the case and the gears are moving inside Symmetry. 
Stay tuned.)

I closed by mistakenly telling everyone that our next quarterly 
would be in December (it's January). I invited everyone to reach 
out if they had any issues before then.

## The Next Meetings
We had our October monthly meeting one week after this meeting. 
The next quarterly should happen on January 5, 2024. We had no 
regular planning sessions in October, but two workgroup meetings 
took place regarding DMD-as-a-library. The monthly meeting 
summary is coming next, then I'll publish an update about the 
workgroup meetings.

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