D Language Foundation January 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary

ryuukk_ ryuukk.dev at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 14:21:04 UTC 2023

I use -betterC because i can focus on the language and build upon 
it, i don't have to deal with the slowness of phobos and more 
importantly, i don't have to wait for phobos or druntime to be 
ported to WASM in order to be able to target to WASM, i target 
WASM today

It also makes me confident that none of my game code will 
accidentally call the GC, as i banned the use of the GC for this 
particular project (game)

I can focus on what i love about C with the greatness of D (the 

My project fully recompile (clean build, game+engine) in just 
1.2s, thanks Walter!

The only complain i have about betterC, and D in general are the 
error messages, sometimes just having new lines with proper 
spacing makes errors easier to read, i made a comment in one 
PR(related to improving betterC error message) that it was 
helpful and very much welcome, so looks like things are going to 

> Walter decided to put the Sum Types proposal aside for now

That's super sad to hear.. i was eagerly hoping tagged union 
would come sooner rather than later.. it's one feature that 
enables writing useful with less noise

I want to replace that kind of ugly code that i have, notice how 
easy it is to have bugs if you are not careful what field you 
use, not safe!: (no, template is not the solution)

enum EventType: ubyte



struct Event
     long time;
     bool consumed;

     EventType type;
         // GFX
         Resize resize;

         // INPUT
         KeyDown key_down;
         KeyUp key_up;
         KeyTyped key_typed;
         TouchDown touch_down;
         TouchUp touch_up;
         TouchDragged touch_dragged;
         TouchMoved touch_moved;
         Scrolled scrolled;


         // update key state
         foreach(Event* e; engine.queue)
             if (e.consumed) continue;

             switch (e.type) with (EventType)
                 case INPUT_KEY_DOWN:
                 case INPUT_KEY_UP:

                 case INPUT_TOUCH_DOWN:
                     if (e.touch_down.button == 1)
                 case INPUT_TOUCH_UP:
                     if (e.touch_up.button == 1)



I think expecting users to ask for new features shouldn't be seen 
as something bad

It's great to have people discuss language improvement, it gives 
the ability to talk about and remind people about existing 
features, and potentially their issues

And what a better opportunity than to remind ones who think bugs 
in weird and cryptic corner cases, is what turn off people

What turn me off from D is that kind of issues: 

When you start to import things from the std and it makes your 
compile time go from 5seconds (already an eternity) to 10 
seconds, and people think "it's not a problem"

tagged union would help reduce the code complexity, template 
usage and bugs by a significant amount of time, as well as 
improving error messages 

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