Poll for D Game Dev

Hipreme msnmancini at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 4 02:54:51 UTC 2023

Hello D Game Developers. As you guys know, I have been developing 
a cross platform game engine for some years right now. I'm close 
to release version 1.0. If everything goes right, I can do it 
before the Global Game Jam, though I'm still studying other 
related things.

My engine is stable right now (probably won't have a massive 
refactor for quite a time), and I would like to ask some things 
for you guys only to know which priorities to give in my roadmap:

1: Would you be interested in participating in a D game jam? I'm 
going to promote those in near future with paid prizes (though 
those are going to require using my engine as its main purpose is 
making it better).

2: Why did you started using D for developing games?

3: What frameworks, libraries or game engines are you using for 
D? Are you developing your own?

3.1: What do you like more about the framework you're using?
3.2: What do you dislike about the framework you're using?

4: What the D ecosystem is missing for you to develop your own 

5: How much do you care about the game engine being betterC 
compatible? And why?

6: Which kind of game do you plan to develop? 2D or 3D? Which 
platform are you targeting?

7: Are you looking to sell your game or just toying with the D 
language ( not going to make any serious project )? Why?

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