Safer Linux Kernel Modules Using the D Programming Language

Siarhei Siamashka siarhei.siamashka at
Sat Jan 7 23:27:02 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 7 January 2023 at 22:25:30 UTC, areYouSureAboutThat 
> Well, the worlds most widely used source code revision control 
> system, is written in C ;-)

There are attempts to rewrite it in safer programming languages 
;-) Such as

Let's see if the alternative implementations turn out to be good 
enough and allow to eventually retire C at least for this 
particular task. Survival for the fittest.

> To be 'C like', the language needs to provide the same 
> flexibility and control as C, and map to the hardware and its 
> instructions set as well as C. In other words, it's going to 
> end up being C anyway.

Doesn't the D code annotated as `@system` already provide the 
same flexibility and control as C? If not, then what is missing?

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