Safer Linux Kernel Modules Using the D Programming Language

areYouSureAboutThat areYouSureAboutThat at
Sun Jan 8 02:15:27 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 7 January 2023 at 23:27:02 UTC, Siarhei Siamashka 
> There are attempts to rewrite it in safer programming languages 
> ;-) Such as

I'd love to hear Lord Linus's thought on this.

> Let's see if the alternative implementations turn out to be 
> good enough and allow to eventually retire C at least for this 
> particular task. Survival for the fittest.

Yes, as you say, 'survival of the fittest' also applied in 
programming languages ;-)

That certainly says something about C.

> Doesn't the D code annotated as `@system` already provide the 
> same flexibility and control as C? If not, then what is missing?

What missing, is that 'still' nothing has come close to replacing 

Yes, this paper makes a compelling case to look more closely at D.

But could it replace C?

I don't see that ever happening (in my lifetime).

C is not just a programming language anymore. It's a complete 
(and very diverse) ecosystem.

C 'replacement wannabees', have to compete with both.

The only way I see C being replaced, is if all the C programmers 
retire, or RIP, and don't sufficiently get replaced with new ones.

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