ddbg_gdb with emacs

Jascha Wetzel "[firstname]" at mainia.de
Tue Mar 6 02:02:53 PST 2007

oh, sure, for some reason i didn't get that the full pathname is the
problem. ddbg will output the full pathname whenever it can find the
file from it's source search paths, which always include the current
i'll add the proper --fullname behaviour in the next release.

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Figured it out.  It works when exe and source are in the same directory.
> But if the source actually lives _up_ the file system hierarchy from the
> current directory then ddbg_gdb will omit the full path to the source
> file for some reason.
> F:\test\cbtestproj\bin\Debug>ddbg_gdb.exe -nx --fullname -args \
>    cbtestproj.exe
> Ddbg v0.0.4.1 alpha - D Debugger
> Copyright (c) 2007 Jascha Wetzel
> http://ddbg.mainia.de/
> (gdb) break hello.d:18
>       #### hello.d is actually ..\..\hello.d
> Breakpoint 0 at 0x00402017
> (gdb) run
> ntdll.dll  loaded
> KERNEL32.dll  loaded
> USER32.dll  loaded
> GDI32.dll  loaded
> IMM32.dll  loaded
> ADVAPI32.dll  loaded
> RPCRT4.dll  loaded
> LPK.dll  loaded
> USP10.dll  loaded
> msvcrt.dll  loaded
> GoogleDesktopNetwork3.DLL  loaded
> WS2_32.dll  loaded
> WS2HELP.dll  loaded
> →→hello.d:18:0:begmidl:0x00402017
> (gdb) q
> The directory structure above comes from CodeBlocks.  Emacs gdb mode
> seems to try to be 'helpful' by always changing the current directory to
> that of the .exe.  So I was actually telling it to do
>   ddbg_gdb.exe -nx --fullname -args bin\Debug\cbtestproj.exe
> from the source directory, but it cd's down to the exe directory
> automatically anyway.  It seems like util.getFullPath is maybe not doing
> it's thing properly?
> Another tiny thing -- in Emacs it's apparent that the dll names are
> getting suffixed with a null character.  I see in coff.d you explicitly
> add the null to the coff image's m_name.  That seems to be the culprit.
> --bb
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> Jascha Wetzel wrote:
>>> does 0.0.4 work with emacs? i didn't check, just fixed the missing
>>> filename issue and added "print".
>> It doesn't show line numbers still for some reason.
>> I'll try to figure out why, but may be a while.
>> But at least it is easier to run without having to type the full path
>> to the exe now.  :-)
>> --bb

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