Zerobugs 32 bit

Tobias Pankrath tobias at
Fri Apr 5 09:14:27 PDT 2013

On Friday, 5 April 2013 at 06:10:21 UTC, timotheecour wrote:
> Has any one managed to use zerobugs recently? (eg with ubuntu 
> 64bits)
> The project page seems dead, lots of links are also dead, and 
> last commit on the github was 11 months ago.
> Is it worth the effort trying to build it?

Just yesterday I tried to build it again under ArchLinux. I used 
the version from AUR, zerobugs-svn [ ]
and needed to patch the code even further to compile it. After I 
disabled the python plugin (which seems not to be needed) it 
started and even shows its GUI. However as soon as you load a 
executable it crashes.

This may be due to some of my patches, i.e. I'm using the switch 
-std=c++11 but didn't investigate any further.

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