VS 2012 & Visual-D : tuto for installing (incompatible) extensions

D-Ratiseur nobody at nowhere.com
Tue May 7 09:05:08 PDT 2013

Hello, I'd like to share some tips to make a proper D IDE with VS.
Basically you can setup visual-D with VS-2012 shell
It works fine you can compile...All right but what if you want to
setup some extensions ? You'll be (most of the time)stopped by a
message saying that you can't install it for your VS
version.(because basically people who makes extension doesn't
know that the shell version exist or they don't care or

If the extension is made for VS 2012 (Pro) then you can use it
for your visual-D environment based on VS shell:

Download the extension from the MS website so that you'll have a
*.vsix file in your download folder (so not directly from the

Open your *.vsix file with 7zip.
You'll see a file named *.vsixmanifest

Select this file and in the context menu , click "Edit".
Then you'll get an xml file in the text editor.

Then both cases are possible.

Case 1:
if there is a node named <VisualStudio Version="11.0">, with
something like that:

<VisualStudio Version="11.0">

then add <Edition>IntegratedShell</Edition> at the right place...
Save the file and close it. Come back to 7zip, it'll propose you
to update the
archive. Accept. Then you can setup your extension.

Case 2:
There is no node named <VisualStudio Version="11.0"> but
another one:
      <InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro"
Version="11.0" />
In this case replace ".Pro" with ".IntegratedShell". Save the
file and close it. Come back to 7zip, it'll propose you to update
archive. Accept. Then you can setup your extension.

Step 5:
Try to setup the extension it'll work.
Restart or launch VS. Enjoy !

Tested at least with:
- ColorThemeEditor.vsix
- GitSccProvider.vsix
- IndentGuide.vsix
- MultiEdit.vsix (click same identifiers an edit them at once)
- ProPowerTools.vsix (big pack)
- SelectionHighlight.vsix (double click identifier, Highlight all)
- VSTextMacros-1.1.vsix (keyboard macros)

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