Speed up compilation in Visual D

Alex AJ at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 16:03:03 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 23 April 2019 at 07:03:36 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> On 23/04/2019 02:50, Alex wrote:
>> Is there any way to speed of compilation in Visual D? Seems 
>> everything is being recompiled from scratch even with minute 
>> changes. I'd think compiling to object files might help but 
>> maybe not?
> With visualdproj project files, you can select between building 
> all at once (which would cause what you describe unless you 
> separate your code into multiple libraries) and single file 
> compilation which will only recompile what (transitively) 
> imports the file with the changes, but that's often only faster 
> if there are only few files to update.

How do I enable this? There are probably 10 thousand files and I 
updating just a few.

I tried some of the different compilation options[combined 
compile and link and separate compile and link] and they all took 
about the same time except with separate compile I'd get the 

x64\Debug DMD\_.obj : warning LNK4042: object specified more than 
once; extras ignored


> The vcproj projects can compile per package, i.e. there is some 
> kind of automatic separation into libraries. In addition, the 
> latest version allows you to enable parallel compilation on 
> multiple cores.

Is there a way to move a visualdproj to a vcproj?

What it sounds like is that you are saying vcproj is better?

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