Debugging with LLDB on Windows

Siemargl inqnone at
Tue Feb 23 12:03:05 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 17 February 2021 at 20:26:54 UTC, Siemargl wrote:
> Some problems with llvm debugging.
> Test log from lldb 10.0.0 - not recognized main function name 
> (but other is found), not steps next line (expect goto finally 
> expression) after throw exception.

Something wrong with generation debug info.

Case 1. CV debug info

>ldc2 -g -gc except.d
>list - showed nothing
>b _Dmain - works, breakpoink stopped, but shows only assembly 
>list - showed nothing after stop
>b except.d:13  - not working (no source code)
>b _d_throw_exception - also works as asm
>image dump symtab except.exe - works, many D symbols seen (>1000)

Same executable, MS WinDbg X64 works, may set breakpoints in 
opened source code, step by step debugging works.
Also Windbg commands worked fine bp Dmain, bp d_throw_exception 
working (without leading underscore!)

Case 2. Dwarf debug info

>ldc2 -gdwarf -g -gc except.d
>b _Dmain - not working
>b except.d:13  - works, after stoping at breakpoint shows 
>source, 'next' command steps ok
>list - showed source ater breakpoint stops
>b _d_throw_exception - not working
>image dump symtab except.exe - not works, num_symbols = 0

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