
okibi okibi at
Thu Jul 12 05:17:35 PDT 2007

Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for!

Thanks also for the explanation of how the function works. That does make regexp a little easier now and I'll try to get the concept down.


Regan Heath Wrote:

> okibi wrote:
> > I've got another question regarding regexp:
> > 
> > If my document is full of variables such as "##var1 " and I want to replace them, with say "<var>var1</var>" how would I go about doing that? The variables now are preceded with two pound signs and ended with a single space.
> > 
> > Also, could you please explain how the regexp function that you give me works? I'm trying to understand these, but think I'm not grasping the concept.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> I'm no regexp expert but I did something similar last night.
> You can use std.regexp.sub, eg.
> std.regexp.sub(document, r"##([^ ]+) ", r"<var>$1</var>", "gi");
> document - your complete document, or part of it.
> "gi"     - global and case insensitive.
>             global means look for the string more than once
>             case insensitive is self explanatory
> r"##([^ ]+) " - wysiwyg pattern:
> ##            - look for # followed by #
> ( and )       - forms a group which can be pasted into result
> [^ ]+         - 1 or more characters which are NOT space
>                - the pattern finishes with a space
> r"<var>$1</var>" - wysiwyg format:
> <var>            - literal
> $1               - replace with first group from pattern
> </var>           - literal
> So, it should look through document for the pattern "##([^ ]+) " and 
> replace it with the format "<var>$1</var>"
> I tested this with:
> import std.regexp, std.stdio;
> string document = "This is a test ##bob  and ##fred  went for a walk to 
> ##place  how happy I am";
> string pattern = r"##([^ ]+) ";
> string format = r"<var>$1</var>";
> void main()
> {
> 	writefln(std.regexp.sub(document, pattern, format, "gi"));
> }
> Seems to work. :)
> Regan

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