Listener output

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Fri Apr 18 18:27:51 PDT 2008

"Barry Denton" <basse42 at> wrote in message 
news:fubgb0$22go$1 at
>I have a Listener added to a button as so :-
> button.addListener(DWT.Selection, new class Listener {
>        void handleEvent(Event event) {
>            itemWords [5] = "item has changed " ;//~ 
> System.currentTimeMillis();
>            minitable.clear(5);  }  });
> When pressed the button outputs this:-
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=13 Button {Change item} 
> time=1679601378 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> .
> Now all is as it should be except for the  {missing or misplaced '}'}

Tango's formatting uses a pair of curly braces like "{}".  Your output is 
supposed to go "{Event {type=13....", but Tango sees the opening '{', tries 
to parse it as a format specifier, and fails, leaving you with an error 
message embedded in the output.

The question I have is: where is this output being generated?  This code 
doesn't seem to generate it.

I ask because it's a simple fix: instead of doing something like 
"Stdout.formatln(x.toString())", just use "Stdout.formatln("{}", x)", that 
is, escape the string by making it a parameter to be formatted. 

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