A snippet from SWT

Ty Tower tytower at hotmail.com.au
Tue Mar 4 20:34:12 PST 2008

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
> Note the quotes.  This means it's "figurative" speech.
> For someone who criticizes others' grasp of the English language and
> typing skills, you don't seem to have a very good grasp yourself.
> By the "back of the book" he meant this:
> http://hg.dsource.org/projects/dwt-samples/file/200a229be5ca/, a
> repository
> of snippets and examples.  The one you're looking for is in
> dwtsnippets/table/Snippet38.d.

Oh I see how quaint -silly me I will have to go and learn what is
meant by double quotes won't I ? Now lets see BBs means..... and
Jerkit means... and Funk means...
Garbage -You are not well taught in English grammar yourself.Double
quotes are lines of speech" Strings in your language and always have
been . To assign another meaning simply erodes their usefulness until
you have utter confusion.
> Of course, you're not actually going to read the useful part of this
> post, and instead will just bitch like a little girl about how mean
> everyone is to
> you.  Whatever.  If you want to be an ungrateful ass, go right
> ahead. People will stop helping you eventually.

If you find any bitching done here it from the likes of you Dear. 
Easy..Dont reply to my posts , I won't miss you Dear

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