Descent project file organization

Ary Borenszweig ary at
Thu Nov 20 17:59:46 PST 2008

If you don't want to move your files and keep them where they are, 
create a new D project and in the first page of the wizard select "from 
existing source" and type or select the folder where your files are. 
That will two files in that directory: .project and .classpath. But 
that's it. I hope those don't bother you. :-)

The "Link source" option efectively links everything under the selected 
folder, you can't just link a particular file, sorry.

Bill Baxter escribió:
> I think I figured out the answer to my last question about installing Descent.
> It seems I can just copy the plugins and features directories from the
> Descent .zip over top the ones in in the Eclipse folder.
> The next question is about file organization.
> I'm thinking it might be nice to Descent as an alternate way to edit
> and look at my D source code.
> But I don't want descent to "own" the files.
> So basically I would just like to tell Descent which files are part of
> the project, but leave the files where they are.
> The first thing I tried for adding a file to a project made a separate
> copy of the file in my Workspace directory.  Not what I want.
> The second thing I tried was the "Link source" option under the Build
> Path menu.  But that added *everything* in the directory into the
> project, not just the relevant D stuff.  Plus the same dir contains 3
> different files with a 'main'.
> Is there some way to just add a soft reference to specific files to a project?
> With Visual Studio I just say "add existing file" and it puts a link
> to that source file into the project.  It doesn't move or copy
> anything, it just makes a link to that one specific file.  That's the
> kind of behavior I'm after.
> --bb

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