Using C function in Tango - Simple solution?

Robert Clipsham robert at
Wed Feb 24 11:58:59 PST 2010

On 24/02/10 19:46, Fabian Classen wrote:
> Hi
> I am new in D.
> I've the following problem. I want to use a old function out of the C
> programming language. I'm using D, with the dmd compiler, and the Tango
> lib. My "dirty" solution is the following:
> <code>
> version (Tango) extern (C) int getchar();
> void main() {
> 	char quit = '\0';
> 	while (quit != 'q') {
> 		quit = getchar;
> 	}
> }
> </code>
> But I believe the first line is too inconvenient.
> Are there any better solutions to use C functions with the Tango lib.
> I'm looking forward to your answers and I would be very happy with a few
> code exampes.
> Greetings from Germany
> Fabian Classen

How about:

import tango.stdc.stdio;

If you're using tango then there's no need for the version(Tango), 
unless you plan on supporting phobos too. I'd advise not to do this, as 
you'll only end up duplicating your efforts, the time's better spent on 
your actual program :) Plus, should you decide to migrate to D2 at a 
later date, all these efforts will have been wasted.

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