ubyte[] -> immutable(ubyte)[]

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at test.com
Fri Sep 3 14:10:44 PDT 2010

This is from TDPL page 407:

import std.algorithm,

void main()
    enum bufferSize = 1024 * 100;
    auto tid = spawn(&fileWriter);
    // Read loop
    foreach (immutable(ubyte)[] buffer; stdin.byChunk(bufferSize))
        send(tid, buffer);

void fileWriter()
    // write loop
    while (true)
        auto buffer = receiveOnly!(immutable(ubyte)[])();

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (buffer) of type ubyte[] 
to immutable(ubyte)[]

Yet interestingly I can't use type inference:

    foreach (buffer; stdin.byChunk(bufferSize))
        send(tid, buffer);

Error: stdin_stdout_copy.d(11): Error: cannot infer type for buffer

But in the original code I get back a mutable ubyte[] which I can't implicitly convert to immutable (I'd need a copy first). There's no .dup or .idup property for stdin.byChunk. So what am I supossed to do here?

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