How To Dynamic Web Rendering?

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sun May 15 17:33:30 PDT 2011

Robert Clipsham:
> which I believe he's using
> professionally, so it has to be reasonably good)

Indeed, cgi.d, mysql.d, and dom.d have both been used on a few
of my client's live sites for about a year now. If they have
serious bugs, I've subconsciously learned to avoid them, since
there's been little problems with them. sqlite.d and postgres.d
seem to be ok, but haven't gotten as heavy use as mysql.

The newer web.d, that I've been linking to as the apidemo, is
used for some in development apps, but nothing that's launched
yet. (Everyone is very excited about these in-dev apps though, it's
been excellent during internal testing and I've made excellent
time developing new features with it.)

There's a number of helper modules too that work well, but are
more tied to the application itself, so I haven't released them.
(If there's potentially anything proprietary in a file at all, I
hold the whole thing back unless I can find the time to carefully
comb through it.)

The two most likely to go public before too long are:

email.d for talking to sendmail, Gmail relays, and recently added,
Amazon SES. Also minimal includes MIME attachment support and a
html to text converter for automatically making multipart messages.
(they write html emails but I loathe them.)

oauth.d for interacting with Facebook's apis (oauth 2) and Twitter,
LinkedIn, and (buggy) AWeber (oauth 1). As of last night, it also
has a minimal oauth 1 server implementation. Needs lots of testing.

It's a pretty wide collection of stuff, with the base reasonably
well tested. Most of it is nothing fancy though.

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