ctRegex - named submatch

Daniel wyrlon at gmx.net
Tue Aug 7 13:24:44 PDT 2012


I tried using named submatch for ctRegex... it works but 
seemingly only for maximum 1 named submatch...

OK (\w changed to \S to avoid, out of memory)


Is this a known bug? I used the regex example from the Library 
Reference, converting it to ctRegex...

Lookup named submatch.
import std.regex;
import std.range;

auto m = match("a = 42;", 
auto c = m.captures;
assert(c["var"] == "a");
assert(c["value"] == "42");
popFrontN(c, 2);
//named groups are unaffected by range primitives
assert(c["var"] =="a");
assert(c.front == "42");

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