Naming methods from strings using mixin

Robert Rouse robert.e.rouse at
Tue Feb 21 07:24:11 PST 2012

Awesome. Thanks!

Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Tuesday, 21 February 2012 at 14:53:06 UTC, Robert Rouse wrote:
>> Using a mixin, is it possible to have it define a method based on a
>> string passed into the mixin?
> Yeah, though you'll have to build a string of the method.
> Something like this:
> string make_method_string(string name) {
> string code = "void "; // return type
> code ~= name;
> code ~= "() {"; // arglist
> code ~= q{ // body (q{ } is just another string literal but prettier
> for this imo
> writeln("hello");
> };
> code ~= "}";
> return code;
> }
> mixin template make_method(string name) {
> mixin(make_method_string(name)); // string mixin runs the above
> function at compile time, and then pastes the resulting code in here
> to be compiled
> }
> // and now to use it
> struct Test {
> mixin make_method("bark");
> }
> void main() {
> Test foo;
> foo.bark(); // works!
> }
> The string mixin and string builder helper function pattern
> can do pretty much anything you can think up, though it can
> get pretty ugly as it gets bigger just due to being strings.
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