Slices and array appending

Era Scarecrow rtcvb32 at
Sun Oct 21 18:15:06 PDT 2012

On Sunday, 21 October 2012 at 23:35:30 UTC, cal wrote:
> Just want to make sure I understand this properly:
> I have a large dynamic array (whose elements are immutable) 
> which only ever grows. I also have a whole lot of small slices 
> into this array, the slices never change, and they don't span 
> the entire contents of the array (they are just pieces).
> Now if I append to the large array, and the runtime needs to 
> re-allocate to accommodate the change in size, none of the 
> pieces of the original array which are referred to by the 
> slices can be freed, right? So I end up basically with two 
> copies of the original large array, however the first version 
> will now have little pieces missing from it (wherever the 
> slices don't refer).
> Is that correct?

  Sounds right.. But it could be worse. The slices that are used 
by the original array are ignored in the new array, so unless you 
have a main array reference to access the whole thing, then you 
wasted space can only get worse.

  Now on the other hand, if you were to append to a slice, then 
that slice would duplicate and then add onto it making a new 
slice with minimal loss compared to the much larger reference.

  In this kind of case I can only think of a few ways I'd want to 
work around it so to help minimize loss.

  1) Lowlevel check/test to see if it can be appended, if not 
start with new array so we don't reallocate and duplicate. 
(malloc/realloc may be needed)
  2) Reserve memory enough for N elements where it's your 
estimated Max (or a little over)
  3) Save beginning/ending locations as ints instead of a slice 
(although the main/original array would need to be accessible); 
You then can create temporary slices for functions as needed, 
long as they don't leave the current scope.
  4) Work with small slices only, meaning you get 100 or so, then 
a new array with another 100 or so.

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