Sort order of dirEntries

Regan Heath regan at
Fri Oct 26 07:51:14 PDT 2012

On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 01:15:06 +0100, Joseph Rushton Wakeling  
<joseph.wakeling at> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I've just been playing with dirEntries and by the looks of it, it  
> returns these entries in arbitrary order.

On windows, assuming it was using FindFirstFile or similar you would get  
alphabetical order on some platforms/file systems and FAT table order on  
others.  I imagine linux and associated platforms have similar behaviour.

> Is there a way to get it to sort the entries in alphabetical order,  
> other than the obvious one of storing them in an array and sorting  
> that?  (This is untenable because I'm talking about a lot of files...:-)

To get a sorted list someone has to load all the entries and sort them.  I  
doubt the file system is going to do it, so either the library routine  
would have to, or you're going to have to.  As most file systems and  
libraries should take the most efficient approach first and foremost it's  
likely you're going to have to do it yourself.



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