GtkD - how to install

Amateur repakolius at
Sun Dec 22 06:15:59 PST 2013

On Sunday, 22 December 2013 at 13:38:25 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
> On Sunday, 22 December 2013 at 13:29:04 UTC, Amateur wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm beginning with programming on desktop. After choosing which
>> language is "da best" for me, I chose D. And now I want to 
>> create
>> GUI applications, so I tried installing GtkD and I failed. Can
>> anybody give me a short manual?
>> I'd like to code on linux (openSUSE 13.1), but if I'll get help
>> on Windows, I'll be happy too.
>> Thank you
> I would recommend using dub. Either download a release from 
> or clone the github repo 
> and build with
> then you can list gtkd as a dependency for your project and dub 
> will sort it out for you (hopefully).
> You will need to install the latest gtk+ libs first with yast 
> or zipper or whatever you use for package management.

Yeah, I installed dub and ran commands "dub init main" and "dub 
fetch --local gtk-d". It worked properly, but how to continue? I 
tried compile simple app which contains only "import 
gtk.MainWindow;" and compiler yells that source for this cannot 
be found.

What have I to do next?
I have installed Gtk+ libraries, dmd, dub and I ran too commands 
"dub init main" and "dub fetch --local gtk-d".

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