Starting D with a project in mind.

Brad Roberts braddr at
Tue Oct 15 16:15:58 PDT 2013

On 10/15/13 3:38 PM, Dicebot wrote:

> Unfortunately, this is an area where difference in developer count is really notable. It is a dead
> end - support for more exotic platforms like ARM is lacking because there too few people who need it
> and new bypassers are scared from further investigation because of lacking support. There is hardly
> anything we can do until some volunteer will appear who is willing to champion this.

I think you mean catch-22 rather than dead-end.  There's not more people helping support ARM due to 
ARM not yet working well, so there's no developers.

ARM's not exotic, it's just not on as many people's desktops.  Thats been changing rapidly over the 
last several years.

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