Pragma mangle and D shared objects

H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Oct 25 08:07:48 PDT 2014

On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 09:20:33AM -0400, Etienne Cimon via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> I haven't been able to find much about pragma mangle. I'd like to do
> the following:
> The part I find ugly is this:
> void* vp = dlsym(lib, "_D6plugin11getInstanceFZC2bc2Bc\0".ptr);
> I want to write a framework that stores a dynamic library name and
> symbol to execute, and downloads the dynamic library if it's not
> available. This would be in a long-running server/networking
> application, and needs to be simple to use.

Perhaps the .mangleof built-in property might help you here? For

	class MyClass;
	MyClass getInstance();

	import std.stdio;
	import plugin;

	void main() {



Granted, it's a bit ugly (you have to actually create a module called
'plugin' in order to get the right mangling), but at least it doesn't
require the user to learn how D's mangling scheme works. You just write
a function prototype for the function you're trying to lookup, and call
.mangleof on it.

> The mangling makes it less obvious for the programmer writing a
> plugin. Does mangle make it possible to change this to dlsym(lib,
> "myOwnMangledName"), or would it still have strange symbols?

What you *could* do, is to use .mangleof and clever regex'ing to make it
possible to do that. For example, something along these lines:

	alias ReturnType = ... /* whatever type you want */;
	private ReturnType pluginFuncStubName(... /* arguments here */);

	auto loadPluginFunction(string library, string funcName) {
		auto r = regex(`pluginFuncStubName`);
		auto mangledName =
			pluginFuncStubName.mangleof.replace(r, funcName);
		/* mangledName should now be the mangled string you need
		 * to find the symbol */

Basically, use an unambiguous blatantly long name for your function
prototype, and do a search-and-replace to substitute that with the
desired function name.

Note that you still need to have a separate stub per function signature;
so if you want users to be able to load functions of arbitrary
signature, you probably need to make that a template parameter and have
the user pass in the desired function signature. For example:

	auto loadPluginFunction(Signature)(string library, string funcName)
		import std.traits : ReturnType, ParameterTypeTuple;
		import std.regex : regex, replaceFirst;
		// Declare a static function with the user-desired
		// signature, with a nicely-substitutable name
		static ReturnType!Signature
		auto r = regex(`pluginFuncStubName`);
		auto symbol = pluginFuncStubName.mangleof.replaceFirst(r, funcName);
		// Proof of concept
		import std.stdio;
		// ... Call dlsym to find function here
		// Just to make this compile, replace with real function pointer in
		// your code here.
		return null;
	void main() {
		auto f1 = loadPluginFunction!(int function(string,int))("mylib", "func1");
		auto f2 = loadPluginFunction!(void function(float))("mylib", "func2");



This example isn't complete yet (you need to do something about the
"loadPluginFunction" component in the mangled name), but you should be
able to work out a way of producing the correct mangled name from here.
But at least it demonstrates how you can have a very nice API for your
users -- they just pass in the function prototype of the function they
want, and the library code takes care of deriving the correct mangled

Hope this helps.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

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