How will std.allocator change how we program in D?

Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Oct 3 02:32:15 PDT 2015

On Friday, October 02, 2015 23:54:15 Taylor Hillegeist via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> I do not come from a c++ background. but have looked at what
> allocators do for c++. I know in D the standard for memory
> management is garbage collection and if we want to manage it
> ourselfs we have to do things like @nogc. I was just curious how
> the std allocator will change how we do things.

That's very much an open question. It's too early to tell, I think. Another
major factor is that Walter and Andrei are considering adding some kind of
reference counting to the language (not ARC, I don't think, and it won't be
required - just in addition to what we have now), and that would have a big
impact on this sort of thing as well. I fully expect that exceptions will
eventually be reference-counted, and it may become normal for them not to be
GC-allocated as a result. But we'll have to wait and see.

Another issue is std.container (or probably std.collections ultimately,
since it's being redone, and we don't want to conflict with what's currently
there), since that will end up using the allocators, and the impact of that
could be far-reaching. For many programs, it'll probably be the only place
that allocators get used though, simply because many folks are likely to
just not worry that much about the GC and memory management until it
actually becomes a problem for them. The folks that have stricter
performance requirements will likely start using the allocators quite a bit

Certainly, now that we have std.experimental.allocator, more code is going
to be written which tries to avoid the GC, and as that's done, I expect that
more idioms will come of it. The way that the allocators have been written
is somewhat novel and unique, but I don't know how much that will affect
their usage. In the long run though, I suspect that allocators will get used
in D more than they're typically used in C++ - if nothing else because the
GC is the default in D, and plenty of folks want to avoid the GC whether
they actually need to or not, whereas C++'s default is manual memory

- Jonathan M Davis

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