Is there a function for this?

Piotr Mitana the.mail.of.mi2 at
Mon Oct 8 09:23:03 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 6 October 2018 at 13:17:22 UTC, bauss wrote:
> Let's say you have a range with struct, but some of the struct 
> are duplicates of each other.
> Is there a standard function in Phobos to remove duplicates?
> My first thought was "uniq", but it can't really do it like 
> that, but it doesn't work.
> See:
> Is there another function in Phobos that perhaps would work?
> I can of course write my own function, but if there is a 
> standard function that can do it, then I'd rather use that.

Unless you want to implement opCmp() and do the .sort.uniq then, 
you may find this one-liner helpful:

randomAccessRange.fold!((arr, elem) => arr.canFind(elem) ? arr : 
(arr ~= elem))((ElementType!(typeof(randomAccessRange))[]).init)

Applied in your example:

But yes, it is de facto a custom function. I don't think that 
there is a function in Phobos that will perfectly deduplicate 
your range without having it sorted before.

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