dub doesn't work with dmd 1:2.082.0-1.0?

SuperPrower superprower at somedomain.org
Mon Sep 10 09:23:19 UTC 2018

dub was working nice until I updated my system (I run 
ArchLinux32) just now. dmd was updated from version 1:2.081.2-1.0 
to 1:2.082.0-1.0 (according to pacman package manager). After 
that, I couldn't invoke dub for anything. Here is the attempt to 
run `dub --vverbose`:

Using dub registry url 'https://code.dlang.org/'
Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: true)...
Looking for local package map at 
Looking for local package map at 
Try to load local package map at 
iterating dir /home/superprower/.dub/packages/
iterating dir /home/superprower/.dub/packages/ entry 
iterating dir /home/superprower/.dub/packages/ entry 
iterating dir /home/superprower/.dub/packages/ entry 
No package found in current working directory.
Failed to invoke the compiler /usr/bin/dmd to determine the build 
platform: Error: missing or null command line arguments

Full exception: 
object.Exception at source/dub/compilers/compiler.d(127): Failed to 
invoke the compiler /usr/bin/dmd to determine the build platform: 
Error: missing or null command line arguments

??:? pure @safe bool 
std.exception.enforce!().enforce!(bool).enforce(bool, lazy 
const(char)[], immutable(char)[], uint) [0xa744bd]
??:? dub.platform.BuildPlatform 
immutable(char)[][], immutable(char)[]) [0x80759e]
??:? dub.platform.BuildPlatform 
dub.compilers.buildsettings.BuildSettings, immutable(char)[], 
immutable(char)[]) [0x81323f]
??:? [0x810de2]
??:? void 
immutable(char)[], immutable(char)[]) [0x910e46]
??:? int dub.commandline.GenerateCommand.execute(dub.dub.Dub, 
immutable(char)[][], immutable(char)[][]) [0x92b158]
??:? int dub.commandline.RunCommand.execute(dub.dub.Dub, 
immutable(char)[][], immutable(char)[][]) [0x92b0ab]
??:? int dub.commandline.runDubCommandLine(immutable(char)[][]) 
??:? _Dmain [0x9fe3bf]

I downgraded dmd for now, but what may be the cause of this? I 
couldn't find anything related to this particular error (`missing 
or null command line arguments`).

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