What kind of Editor, IDE you are using and which one do you like for D language?

Russel Winder russel at winder.org.uk
Sun Dec 29 14:41:46 UTC 2019

On Sat, 2019-12-28 at 22:01 +0000, p.shkadzko via Digitalmars-d-learn
> p.s. I found it quite satisfying that D does not really need an 
> IDE, you will be fine even with nano.

Java people said this and we got Eclipse, Netbeans, and IntelliJ IDEA,
and many people were better Java (and Kotlin, Groovy, Clojure, Scala,
etc.) programmers because they used them.

C and C++ people said this and we got CLion, and many programmers were
better C or C++ programmers because they used it.

Go people said this and we got Goland, and many people were better
programmers because they used it.

Whilst many programmers are happy using 1970s approaches to programming
using ed, ex, vi, vim, emacs, sublime text, atom, etc. Many programmers
prefer using IDEs, and are better programmers for it.

D programmers can use text editors if they want, but many D programmers
would be much better D programmers for having a full IDE – which is,
for me, why getting the D language plugin to CLion (and IntelliJ IDEA)
is important for D traction.

The more the D community advertise that IDEs are for wimps, the less
likelihood that people will come to D usage.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk

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