What kind of Editor, IDE you are using and which one do you like for D language?

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Mon Dec 30 17:27:24 UTC 2019

On Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 02:59:22PM +0000, bachmeier via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> An IDE adds a crapload to the learning curve. It's terrible, because
> they need to memorize a bunch of steps when they use a GUI (click here
> -> type this thing in this box -> click here -> ...)

To me, that's not necessarily the failure of the principle of using an
IDE, but of the way in which existing IDEs are designed. Modern IDEs
suffer from the same wrong design principles as modern browsers: too
much accumulated technical debt and cruft accumulated from decades of
legacy code, old habits that die hard, inertia in the name of backwards
compatibility, and stagnation.  Somebody should seriously rethink the
whole design of the IDE experience.

I, for one, in spite of currently preferring to work with vim + CLI
tools, would love to see an IDE which does its job in a minimalistic,
on-demand way, in which you only pay for what you use, and it does not
take 5 minutes grinding your harddisk to next week and back again just
to start up.  What about an IDE that starts at lightning speed where you
can immediately start typing code?  Where you can just run the code
immediately -- with the compilation steps *shown* and saved in a
clear-text script that you can edit, as opposed to some mysterious black
magic welded shut under the hood? Where advanced features are loaded on
demand and unloaded when no longer used, as opposed to requiring GBs of
RAM just to start up?  The technology to do all this is already there,
it just takes someone to think outside of the box and design something
that doesn't look, run, and feel like an overweight elephant with an
obesity problem.

(OTOH, I may have just described Vim and the modern Linux shell. Oops.


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