Blog Post #0038 - Dialogs IV - Saving a File

Ron Tarrant rontarrant at
Fri May 24 15:51:48 UTC 2019

On Friday, 24 May 2019 at 11:19:14 UTC, Radu wrote:

> But there is also the marketing effect, these posts will be 
> more inviting for newcomers, especially ones coming from no D 
> experience. Might worth considering even for this reason as 
> your posts could be a powerful marketing tool for D.

Yup, that's what the research says *in favour of* images.

However, other research indicates that images slow down learning 
because the learner gets complacent. Rather than engaging in deep 
learning, they glance at the image, copy-n-paste the code, and 
never truly understand what they're working with. At some point 
down the road, they get into trouble because they don't have that 
deep understanding and they abandon any further efforts.

So, that's the dilemma. Both arguments seem sound to me, so 
that's why I'm still on the fence.

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