Using enforce or assert to check for fullness when appending to fixed length array container

Per Nordlöw per.nordlow at
Fri Oct 4 10:00:08 UTC 2019

I have a wrapper container FixedArray at

on top of a static array store that provides the member

     void insertBack(Es...)(Es es) @trusted
     if (Es.length <= capacity) // TODO use `isAssignable`
         import std.exception : enforce;
         enforce(_length + Es.length <= capacity, `Arguments don't 
fit in array`); // TODO use assert insteead?

         foreach (immutable i, ref e; es)
             moveEmplace(e, _store[_length + i]); // TODO remove 
`move` when compiler does it for us
         _length = cast(Length)(_length + Es.length); // TODO 

Is the usage of `enforce` to check for out of bounds (fullness) 
idiomatic D or should an `assert()` be used instead?

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